

Culture Fix aims to cover as many topics regarding the pop culture world as possible. Our particular loves lie in films, theatre, and pop/country/cabaret music. Drop an email to culturefixuk@gmail.com

A film you would like to promote?

We cover everything from the little-seen indie releases to the latest multiplex blockbusters. Dramas, arthouse flicks, LGBT, foreign cinema, B-Movies, festival favourites, horror, sci-fi, westerns, exploitation, comedies. You get the picture. 

If you'd like to quote us on a poster, trailer, or home-video cover, feel free to get in touch. 

An album or single you think we'd be interested in?

We adore great pop music and thrive on the best country releases - but our tastes are not limited to those genres. Give us an email if you think we'd be interested in you or your artist's material. 

A theatrical show you would be interested in us reviewing?

As an Edinburgh based website, we are lucky to be in one the UK's most creative cities. Edinburgh is a hub for performers from all around the globe particularly during the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. If you are interested in your show being reviewed - feel free to contact with relevant details.

Want to send us review copies, screening links, or check discs?

Whether its a new television pilot, a festival release, or a brand new album - we're open to covering all sorts of content so don't be shy. 

Due to time constraints we cannot reply to every email and cannot feature everything sent to us. 

Contact our editor, Andrew on culturefixuk@gmail.com

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